Hey Guys
Here is a bit more shots from Opening scene for Bungie's Destiny 2, I was establishing from Blur Studio side, stylized artstyle coherency for opening.
Finally opening looks a bit different but this is how it goes in preproduction, cool fact is that Bungie approve my arts to public (I can believe that they must like my arts ;)
Bellow link to actual opening
Here you can find first scene concept " traveler in space"
and visions for next scene of "Traveler influence on planet"
Awesome task to make Big, Big HONOR to me :)
I will remind you that this sphere kind of thing(the Traveler) is one of main 'character' in Destiny Universe and opening is first things after Bungie and Activision Logotypes User will see after launching game :)
Awesome Thanks to Blur studio and Bungie :)
I hope you will also like it :)